This page is where we will post details of all press releases that we have issued.
Please keep checking back regularly for updates or follow us on social media as we will link from Facebook and Twitter
to any new press release we issue.
Unite the Union makes their position crystal clear on “Fit for the Future”
Unite the Union has issued a statement from their Vice Chair, Reg Beagley, which makes...
Emergency and Acute Medicine Workshop – 4th October
REACH the group campaigning to protect Cheltenham General Hospital’s Accident and...
REACH launch poster for supporters to display
REACH (Restoring Emergency and Accident at Cheltenham General Hospital) has today...
REACH launches its own “Fit for the Future” Survey
Following the unveiling by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust of their “Fit for the...
REACH launch “Fit for the Future Explained”
Following the unveiling by Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust of their “Fit for the...
“Fit for the Future” – Explained
‘One Gloucestershire’ is the working name given to the partnership between the county’s NHS and...
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“To have a fully functioning, fully staffed A&E Department operating 24/7 re-instated at Cheltenham General Hospital, which serves a population of at least 200,000 in Cheltenham, Tewkesbury Borough, and the North Cotswolds, at the earliest possible opportunity.”
01242 544599
REACH, c/o Cheltenham Chamber of Commerce,
2 Trafalgar Street,
GL50 1UH